A second year University group project with a focus on transforming information. This project consisted of developing an infographic poster and information styled animation based on the topic of climate change. More specifically, as a group, we decided to focus the project on the issue of rising sea levels in Asia. This project provided us with a fantastic opportunity to present a series of shocking statistics into an attention-grabbing poster and informative animation that can help raise awareness to the issue and dangers of the accelerated rise in Asia's sea levels. My role within this project, consisted of illustrating and designing the infographic poster, whilst I also helped in providing specific illustrations for the animations as well as storyboarding the animation, from start to finish. Throughout the process, reference to a 'visual vocabulary' used by the Financial Times, which can be accessed and downloaded here, was particularly useful throughout, highlighting what styles of graphic, should be used for different sets of data.

The final infographic.
An accompanying animation, displayed alongside the infographic produced in Adobe After Effects.